Hi! I'm [@ftlsid](https://twitter.com/ftlsid). - I am a research scientist at an AI lab, and I study self-organization, automata, and the physics of computation. - I write a blog called [cybermonk](https://cybermonk.substack.com). - This website contains my notes on the various intricacies of our world. ### Favorite writing - [26](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/26) - reflections on turning 26, improving my psychology, and adulthood - [Welcome to hell](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/welcome-to-hell) - a more experimental piece on the shackles of society - [The inner world](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/the-inner-world) - on fantasy and reality - [Intentionally, nothing](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/intentionally-nothing)- resisting productivity in favor of relaxed practice - [Singing softly](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/singing-softly) - a vignette from Japan ### Projects and interests - For several years I've been tweaking my mind using meditation, philosophy, and psychological analysis. Check out [Mechanisms of psychological aversion](https://cybermonk.substack.com/p/mechanisms-of-psychological-aversion) for details. - I wrote the first few chapters of a [condensed Japanese grammar textbook](https://jp.ftlsid.com) - I learned Japanese quite fast and I think you can too; for details see [[Learning Japanese]] - I have a long-running research project aiming to build [[Artificial general intelligence|artificial intelligence]] by studying the computational and physical underpinnings of biological evolution - I really enjoy solving problems from [Project Euler](https://projecteuler.net/) <img src="https://projecteuler.net/profile/ftlsid.png" style="display:block;margin:auto;padding-block:1em;" /> - I conducted an extensive review of the literature on male pattern baldness and started to believe that the disease is caused by inflammation due to psychosomatic muscle and fascia tension in the scalp. I became more convinced of this theory when I managed to relax muscles in my scalp in deep meditative states. More to come. - I enjoy studying, identifying, and growing plants. This is somewhat connected to my interest in biological evolution.